Little Notice

Hello People!

I'm currently trying to update my blog whenever I can find time, and when I write new entries I'll set the dates to the very day when the event happened.

So, you might have missed out some newer entries if you only read the posts on top. Kindly scroll down if you want to take a look at the newer entries that are hidden within the old ones.

But for easy navigation, I'll make a notice here when the newer posts are up. :)


Day 72: 春天宜兰一日游


Sunday, July 6, 2008

驕傲的公主已回家 整裝再出發

I'm back in Singapore! It's been a week since I'm back. :)

Back to my internship days too.. And.. I still miss Taiwan!

Miss my wonderful friends, the shopping experience, the food..

Will be reminiscing the unforgettable 134 days in Taiwan on the blog soon.. When I can find time!! :)

Monday, June 2, 2008


Yes, I felt it!

Was awakened by an earthquake measuring 3.0 Richter scale in my sleep last night. Didn't realised it was earthquake until I heard Shuhui exclaimed at her desk, "Oh my god, did you feel that?! It's earthquake!"

And my reply was a plain "喔,我还以为是什么。" I laid back onto my bed again and didn't get back to sleep the next moment, cos the metal bed was still shaking forward and backward. I was at the top bunk, and the squeaks that came from the friction between the metal joints of the bed sounded scary. It was just like an invisible hand/ghost shaking my bed.

Mum asked me why didn't I get down of my bed and run to an empty area. Seriously, I didn't know what to do that moment; I just opened my eyes, felt the tremor and glared at the ceiling. Luckily it was just a 3.o Richter scale quake. Otherwise...

I ought to have a better sense of crisis. Have been living too peacefully in Singapore. :X

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Day 89: 希望演唱会

现在处于很亢奋的状态,很high啊~ 啦啦啦~

刚才突发奇想,请MX帮我SMS到Radio 1003,点歌给人在台北的我,还有两位麻吉—— YW和TY。哎呀,因为心急,竟然忘了CX。CX对不起!下次我会补回去的!

听到DJ Ken给我们的祝福,觉得:超.级.开.心。很妙,朋友和DJ的好心,还有科技让我得以把心意从台北传到新加坡~全新加坡和在网上收听的听众都听到耶!Ken,你昨天还说台湾听不到你的节目啰... 现在爽爆了吧~

是啦,我就是喜欢这样的cheap thrill。请容许我喔,因为我很容易就满足。(:





很喜欢这家店的牛奶鍋,很香醇。这是牛奶豚肉锅。饭无限量供应,吃的我这个“饭桶”很乐~ (:



这是F.I.R阿沁签下的团体—— Happy Circle。吉他手是怀恩和小王子,这两个人的名字我曾经在很多歌词本里头看过,喜欢他们的创作所以一直记得他们的名字。今天终于见到他们的庐山真面目,好开心!

牧师在说话。右边站着的是Happy Circle—— 女主唱小坏、吉他手小王子和怀恩。如果此小王子是彼小王子,那他就是张韶涵《梦里花》、棒棒堂《七彩棒棒堂》和棒棒堂+黑涩会美眉《黑糖秀》(偶像剧《黑糖马奇朵》主题曲)的作曲人。旋律都很好听啊~



其他表演者。左三是前自然卷乐团的主唱——娃娃。喜欢她唱一首歌时的娃娃音~ 最右边的Matt很会弹吉他哟。他专注的神情很迷人!:) 不过,他在台上还表现得蛮害羞的。


也很欣赏唱片制作人陈熙(Oops,刚才google了一下,发现他曾是S.H.E Ella的绯闻男友)和来自马来西亚的陈威权的表演。








Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Nice Japanese treat

托YW(和TY)的福,今天在学校附近吃了一顿幸福满足的日本餐。而且还是阔气的YW请客!他最近得奖,所以要好好庆祝一番!:) :) :)

一起走去那家店的时候,还被YW“逼”听他为媒介写作课做的一分钟广播报道。DJ不愧是DJ,听起来也还蛮专业的~ 只是我边走边拿着他的laptop,又戴着他像operator earphone的耳机,很多学生都对我投以奇怪的目光,哈哈!

春秀料理。里头还蛮有气氛的,服务员和厨师都穿上日本服饰,也播放邓丽君唱的日文歌曲。而且只有我们三个!YW说,因为是他包下整个餐厅的~ 没有啦,开玩笑的~

“秋刀鱼的滋味 猫和你都想了解……”




Tiga, Dua, Satu 合影~


喔喔~ 最近在听薛凯琪的专辑,超喜欢她的《找到天使了》。觉得有一句话真的很贴切:快樂的關鍵 不是去哪裡 而是誰在身邊。


耶,找到天使了~ :) :) :)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Another rainy day




沿路踩着湿湿的娃娃鞋,雨水渗透进鞋子,突然很想穿上雨衣,换上雨鞋,走路回家,窝在温暖的被子里好好睡一觉。最近的生活很精彩,去了很多地方,心情既high又累…… 怎么时间都不够用呢~




Sparkling stars of my night

Gentle reminder: This is a very personal entry; please skip it if you don't wish to waste your time reading, cos it's not about my traveling experiences. :)


My angels never fail to make me laugh in front of my laptop while chatting on MSN! :)

SM Sweets' surprise-log-on and her cheerful tones brightened up my night; can't wait to meet you and other darrrlings when I return! :)

Satu and Dua got me really crazy in our chat window; we practically used caps all the way to spread our excitement, though our conversational topic was almost entirely nonsensical. HAHAHA~

This is my first time laughing out loud (but tried hard to suppress my laughters and lower my volume so that I won't disturb my roomies) in front of the screen ever since I'm in Taipei! And this chat marks the birth of a very-not-serious principle of my life: Whatever Satu does, I (selectively) do. But other than the three of us, no one else will know what it means cos it's highly contextual~

At that moment I felt the three of us got drunk. Rubbish-talking can be contagious! Satu got so "drunk" that he added Daiki (our 吴尊-look-alike Japanese friend who's here on exchange too) into the conversation after I talked about him, and got him so confused that he left the conversation. Poor Daiki!

Dear Sista also got back from work and enlightened me with many interesting stories of her workplace. Seeing dear Mummy and Daddy gives me ultimate comfort. OHH OHH~ Feel so at home~ *Sings* Webcamming makes me feel homely! Just a screen away from home. :)

This is such a hilarious night that's very very worth blogging (for my own record).

Point is: THANK YOU ANGELS for being the sparkling stars of my night!! :)

Thursday, May 1, 2008


五月的天 剛誕生的夏天~

Time flies and it's Mayday! Marks the start of my busy schedule for the next two months.

But then, summer is not quite here yet. Taipei's plagued with 鋒面,so the weather here is still quite cool.

While all Singaporeans (those working and studying) get a day off on Labour Day, students here have to attend school leh.

Happy Labour Day to all of you! :)

Got to get back to my assignment.