Little Notice

Hello People!

I'm currently trying to update my blog whenever I can find time, and when I write new entries I'll set the dates to the very day when the event happened.

So, you might have missed out some newer entries if you only read the posts on top. Kindly scroll down if you want to take a look at the newer entries that are hidden within the old ones.

But for easy navigation, I'll make a notice here when the newer posts are up. :)


Day 72: 春天宜兰一日游


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Good luck for A Levels, Darrrlings

Haven't been posting cos was busy dealing with some irritating matter recently.

Taiwanese call "irritating" 機車. And they call motorbikes 摩托車 instead.

Finished my assignment that's supposed to be handed in tonight. Decided to take a break before moving on to another course's assignment, and I made this for Darrrlings who will be receiving their results tomorrow.

Credits to Patagoniagifts and Photobucket for the graphics!

Wish them luck! :)